Laura Lahindah, - and Ivan Diryana Sudirman, - and Ronny Samsul Bahri, - and Intan Rahmatillah, - Facing the new normal by increasing company performance with orientation on innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity. Management Science Letters.
Ronny Samsul Bahri, - and Laura Lahindah, - and -, - and -, - Kajian Perilaku Belanja Konsumen Menggunakan Teknik Asosiasi Di Supermarket (Studi Kasus: Toserba X). DeReMa Jurnal Manajemen; Vol. 15 No. 2 Tahun 2020; 1907-0853 (print ISSN) 2476-955X (e-ISSN); Hal. 282-289; Penerbit UPH.
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